Thematic Investing
Along with the firm’s extensive experience and operating-intensive approach, ongoing expansion in thematic investing is another differentiated way Riverside can provide value to middle-market, growth-oriented companies.
Helping Companies
Thematic investing is an approach which focuses on predicted long-term trends rather than specific companies or sectors, enabling access to structural, one-off shifts that can potentially change an entire industry.
We believe identifying the potential for structural change and understanding expected transformations early is a key driver of success.

Flavor & Specialty Ingredients
We partner with flavor and specialty ingredients companies, and are well-versed in the flavor and specialty ingredients industries, making us a value-added partner.
Riverside seeks flavor & specialty ingredient partners with:
- Market Leadership
- Outstanding Reputation
- Strong Value Proposition
- Multiple Growth Opportunities

Testing, Inspection, Certification and Compliance
Riverside partners with a variety of Testing, Inspection, Certification and Compliance (TICC) companies focusing on:
- Life sciences:
- Food & agriculture
- Food safety
- Third party testing labs
- Medical device compliance & audit
- Pharmaceutical compliance & audit - Aerospace
- Automotive

Safety, Security, Compliance and Risk Mitigation
Riverside has been partnering for growth with Safety, Security, Compliance and Risk Mitigation (SSCRM) companies for decades. These companies focus on:
- Industrial Safety
- Public Safety
- Workplace Safety & Compliance
- Cyber Security
- Risk Management Software