More than 30 Years Focused on the Smaller End of the Middle Market
When Béla Szigethy founded this firm from his apartment on Riverside Drive in 1988, he thought it was only honest to put “Company” in the firm’s name. That’s because “Riverside Partners” wouldn’t work – he was the sole employee – and “Riverside Capital” would stretch the truth – he hardly had any capital.
Béla began working in the smaller end of the middle market (SEMM) because The Riverside Company only had capital for small deals. More than 30 years later, Riverside remains focused on the SEMM by choice.

How We Got Here - Riverside's Timeline
The Riverside Company is founded on Riverside Drive in New York City by Béla Szigethy
The first platform investment with aerospace company Future Metals
The first European office opens in Budapest
Stewart Kohl joins as an equal partner to Béla Szigethy and establishes the Cleveland office
Riverside launches its second product with Riverside Europe
Riverside hires its first operating partner
Riverside significantly expands its origination capabilities
Riverside surpasses $1 billion in Assets Under Management
Riverside Micro-Cap launches under the leadership of Loren Schlachet
Riverside Asia/Pacific launches
Riverside launches its first Flexible Capital strategy - Riverside Strategic Capital
Riverside Acceleration Capital launches
Riverside Credit Solutions launches
Riverside welcomes Parkwood LLC as a minority stakeholder
Riverside Technology Capital Solutions launches
Riverside Value launches
The Riverside Company takes pride in our growth-oriented approach to our investments